Beautiful Corpse - 1

Posted by மாயா | | Posted On Tuesday at 11:45 PM

He was Hungry.he was thristy.. He slowly slid the flimsy curtain of his bedroom window and watched out for her. The ashtray in front of him was overflowing with cigarette buds and grey ash. The whole room stank of tasmac whiskey and smoke. He just sat there amidst the clouds of nicotine, Waiting.. waiting and wanting. There she was .. In her usual red dress, dancing for some mute music coming from her ipod earphones. Her silhouette made by the lighted balcony on this particularly grey evening gave her form, the look of a divine angel. His eyes went dancing. Looking at her made him long for her, to hold her in his very arms. He closed his eyes and imagined just that, it felt so good. His heart beat faster than the threshold speed. His hands were trembling. No, He cannot wait any longer, he thought. He decided to take action. To take her, by force if necessary..and tonight…..

Day 1:

The day started as usual for kanagavel. He woke up in his cabin before, anyone could point out that he was sleeping while on duty. It was still early for most of the residents. 
The early morning birds singing their happy morning songs flew off for their day’s work from the huge tree behind the security cabin. The security cabin of that middle class apartment complex was furnished with all comforts for the needs of a sleeping night duty watchman. 
With borrowed carton boxes stacked to make a comfortable mattress and a long lost bed linen of some unfortunate housewife who lost it from her clothesline, pillows brought from home and a small transistor which was given by the association to accompany him at lonely nights, this small cabin was good enough as the presidential suite of the Park hotel for kanagavel.
Enjoying the morning chill breeze he sneezed, got out and stretched himself. Pulling his pants over the ever growing belly, he went to the backside of the apartment complex, to switch on the motors. It was one of his first duties, on a day.
Malathi was fuming. No one helped her in this house. “I say, I am a bloody labor in my own house. Who would help me? No body”. The house started to slowly wake up with this usual subrabath of vessels rolling in the kitchen. 
“Mom stop it “pushpa yelled sleepily from her room. The vessels rolled with greater force now.

Jaganath came out of the balcony from his usual yoga routine which was meant to free him off his anger. “ Why the hell are you making such noise, you ******?”.He started the subrabath of his own verses. 
“Oh for god’s sake“, pushpa stomped out of her room. Slamming the door behind her, she pushed her feet into her puppy slippers and went out of their tenth and final floor apartment, to the terrace. 
“Where the hell does she think she is going and in that flimsy excuse of a night gown?. You don’t ask her anything that is why she is like this.” jaganath shouted at her wife.
“Oh yeah!. Well as a secretary of this bloody building’s association, why don’t you first ask that idiot security to switch the motor on? I need water, now.”
“I saw him going to switch it on, Move aside let me try, you useless woman.” Jaganath pushed her aside and tried one of the taps in the kitchen sink full of dirty vessels.
After a few seconds of sudden bursts of music played by air, some sluggish liquid started to come out of the pipe. Sheesh! Look at the colour of the water. It’s muddy brown.
Behind him, Maladhi’s face turned white and she slowly whispered in broken words, “ I don’t think that is water Jagan.”
It was now thick and reddish blood…

Someone shrieked from above.

“Pushpa??”, both screamed in unison and rushed to the terrace.

Pushpa was standing there with terror stricken face. Shivering in fear (or cold who knows?) she slowly pointed her nail art finger, towards the water tank. Many had come to the terrace by then.

There, in the corner of the overhead tank, a pipe was leaking…leaking blood.


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